Telegram received from London dated April 12th, 1941 NAVAL M.T.B.'s at 0210/11 off Dieppe attacked with torpedoes enemy tanker and two trawlers. One hit probable one M.T.B. considerably damaged in burst of machine gun fire. 2. Armed Merchant Cruiser Voltaire is overdue at Freetown. 3. MILITARY. LIBYA . To p.m. of 10th. Advance enemy elements Astride the road to Derna-Tobruk have been in contact with our troops within Perimeter. Enemy have withdrawn. Air and ground reports show general movement of armoured fighting vehicles and motor transport from the west towards Gazala front, about 700 motor transport were moving eastwawd. On the morning of the 11th enemy column of A.F.V. and M.T. penetrated between Tobruk and El Adem and are reported to have reached the road Bardia-Tobruk. About 30 A.F.V's including some 8 wheeled armoured cars seen stationary on Bardia-Tobruk road 5 to 10 miles east of Tobruk. 4. ALBANIAN FRONT. Germans have captured Ohrid and have joined forces with Italians at Struga. Yugoslavian advance on Puke and Elbasan continues and German column thrown back from Prizren to Suha Reka. 5. GREECE. April 10th. British troops in contract |