Telegram received from London dated April 11th, 1941 NAVAL . Scharnhorst, Gneisenau still at Brest April l0th, one in dry dock. 2. On April 11th reported that only one small port in United Kingdom closed temporarily by mines -sweeping con continues successfully. 3. MILITARY. LIBYA. Our troops taking up positions about Tobruk based on the old Italian defences. April 8th -seven heavy aircraft seen unloading supplies for enemy forward troops south of Mechili. 4. NORTHERN YUGO-SLAVIA. Reported attack being carried out on Oara, but yesterday the German radio announced that Oara occupied and independent Croatian State proclaimed. SOUTHERN YUGO-SLAVIA . The rate of the German advance slackened. Advance from Nis towards Belgrade reached Lapoyo afternoon of April 10th after severe fighting North of Jacobina. Reported capture of Tetovo not confirmed nor move towards Pristina. Small parties of parachutists captured in Serbia. ROYAL AIR FORCE. Night of April 9/10th. BERLIN. Forty-four tons of high explosive and 11,400 incendiaries dropped. Chief target inland port area where large fires caused. Tempelh of aerodrome and Marshalling yards Charlottenburg district also attacked. 5. April 10th. During the daylight eight Blenheims bombed |