Telegram from London dated 3rd September 1941. H.M. Ship Triumph claims one possible hit on cruiser entering Straits of Messina a.m. 26th in company with one battleship, one cruiser, ten destroyers. Confirmed by British naval officer prisoner returning to Syria who sighted cruiser sic beached at Messina a.m. 26th. 2. On the 2nd three Beauforts claim two hits with torpedo on 7,000 tons merchant vessel off Stavanger. One Beaufort missing but one of five attacking M.E.'s shot down at l0 yards range. Three Blenheims scored hits on merchant vessel estimated 4,000 tons off Dunkirk, left sinking. One escort ship set on fi 3. Night of 31st/1 nine Wellington's attacked Tripoli (L) one medium sized ship left on fire and another believed sunk. Following night seven Wellington's bombed Tripoli power station. 1st September seven Blenheims attacked Crotone three hits set fire to ship estimated at 4,000 tons; explosion caused in munitions factory. 4. Night of 2nd/3rd two hundred aircraft attacked German targets of which over one hundred twenty Frankfurt and about fifty Berlin. Twelve missing |