TELEGRAM RECEIVED FROM LONDON SEPTEMBER 5TH, 1941 Wolfhound has arrived in harbor. At 0350/5 Scheer seen Northern Skagerrack steering north towards Oslo. 2. His Majesty's submarine demolished 120 feet railway bridge south coast of Sicily night of August 27th/28th. H. M. Submarine hit with torpedo italian ship Aquitania and sank tanker south bound in convoy off Marittimo August 26th. August 28th she hit and probably sank Duilio class liner south bound near Capri. The latter in company with two Italian 19,000 ton ships. Night 3rd/4th three Swordfish failed to find damaged tanker outside Tripoli (L) but claimed destruction of destroyer by one-torpedo two miles outside the harbor. Merchant vessel estimated 8,000 tons hit by one 500-pound bomb result not observed. 3. During week ending August 30th imports into Great Britain totalled 819,275 tons compared with 1,373,682 tons in previous week and average of 882,805 tons for past ten weeks. 4. Royal Air Force, 4th. Small force of Blenheims despatched with fighter escort to Cherbourg docks and Mazingarbe (near Bethune) synthetic oil plant. Both attack successful. Several hits on oil plant and explosions One Blenheim lost, 10 M.E. 109's destroyed; 11 probable and 5 damaged; we lost 8 fighters. A fortress bombed Rotterdam docks. 5. Libya. Night of 2nd/3rd. Wellington attacked Derna and landing grounds at Bardia and Gazala. 3rd, Syria. Fighters destroyed without loss, at least 5 of the 20 Italian fighters who attacked our landing grounds in Sidi Barrani area. 6. 4th, Our fighters destroyed 6 of the 20 Italian fighter planes which approached Malta. 3 more Italian fighters of 12 covering rescue operations off Sicily were destroyed later. 2 Hurricanes missing. |