TELEGRAM LONDON DATED OCTOBER 20th 1941. Naval SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> A Russian submarine on return from patrol eastwards of North Cape claims four enemy merchant ships hit between September 26th and October 11th. One of His Majesty's submarines sank two ships in convoy 50 miles west of Lampedusa on the A 9,000 tons tanker was torpedoed off Straits of Gibraltar on 19th but is still afloat in two halves. 2. Military. Russia. Germans hampered by hard weather have made little progress towards Moscow. They are advancing slightly towards Kharkov in Donetz basin and towards Rostov. Ethiopia SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> Enemy troops, combatant strength about 15,000 remain in Gondar. 3. Royal Air Force. 19th. Fighters carried out l0 small offensive operations over Northern France. 19th and 19th/20th. SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> No operations by Bomber Com Middle East SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New">. 18th. 15 Marylands attacked two Cyrenaican landing grounds. 18th/19th. Mediterranean. Naval aircraft attacked convoy 85 miles north west of Tripoli (L) and made 5 torpedo hits on a 6,000 ton ship which was left stationary and on fire. A second ship was probably damaged. 19th. A Hurricane destroyed an Italian bomber south of Lampedusa. Sicily. SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> 19th. % 6 Blenheims attacked ammumition factory and power station at Licata and 5 Hurricanes carrying bombs aerodrome at Comlso. No enemy opposition: bombs fell in the target area. Ethlopia. SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New">17th. Bombers and fighters attacked objectives and trenches near Azazo, 4. German Air Force. 19th/20th. 55 enemy aircraft were operating principally in Thames Estuary: flew inland. Night fighters destroyed one bombe |