TELEGRAM FROM LONDON DATED OCTOBER 24th, 1941 H.M.S. GNAT has arrived in harbur in tow. H.M.S. MAORI was torpedoed night 22nd/23rd 10 miles South Southwest Cape St. Vincent while escorting homeward bound convoy. Forward part completely wrecked and, though possibility of towing was expected, later report states H.M.S. MAORI was sinking. H.M. So URGE reports hits on two ships off KURIAT Island Tunisian Coast. H.M.S. UNIQUE torpedoed Italian A.M.C. CITTA DI GENOVA Class 54 IS tons P.M./14 off Naples. Later ship appeared to have sunk. R.F.A. DARKDALE tanker 8,145 tons sank after explosion in St. Helena Harbor night of 21st/22nd. Believed she was torpedoed by U-Boat. Night of 21st/22nd 111 tons of H.E. including 6 of 4000 lbs. and 6000 incendiaries were dropped on Bremen. 38 tons of H.E. including 4 of 4000 lbs. were dropped on Naples; reports claim large fire, many buildings destroyed and railway station well alight. Day of 22nd Blenheims attacked barracks at Hems, Libya, many bursts being seen among build Night of 22nd/23rd approximately 130 aircraft attacked Mannheim, 20 attacked Havre and Brest where bombs were seen to burst in vicinity of battle cruisers Day of 23rd 4 Blenheims attacked small merchant-vessel 50 miles W.N.W. of Marittimo Island scoring hits near funnel and two near misses. Night of 23rd/24th 140 aircraft were dispatched from the United Kingdom. Over 100 attacked l, 9 Sterlings atta %cked Brest, light attack also made on C |