Telegram from London dated October 25th. Correction to telegram dated October 24th: in second paragraph for H.M.S. "Maori" read H.M.S. "Cossack" and for "10 miles" read "ll0 miles." (Latest reports state that H.M.S. Oossack is proceeding to harbor in tow). Night 20th/21st a cruiser force bombarded enemy battery east of Tobruk and destroyers bombarded Bardia Harbor. On October 24th a medium size German merchant vessel off the south coast of Norway was set on fire by a Beaufort. Two minesweeping trawlers were mined and sunk in the Thames estuary on 0ctober 24th. Partly due to 8 ships sunk in homeward-bound Canadian convoy shipping losses were heavier during last week, U-boats being mainly responsible. vy weather in the Atlantic caused damage to several destroye Casualties during last week in air operations over and from this country: Royal Air Force 24 bombers 14 fighters, German Air Force 4 bombers destroyed, 1 probable, 3 damaged, 21 fighters destroyed, 8 probable, 6 damaged; Middle East: Royal Air Force 4 bombers destroyed, 5 damaged, 2 fighters destroyed, German Air Force 3 fighters, 1 probable, 1 damaged, Italian Air Force 1 bomber destroyed. On the night of 20th/21st and the following day a total of over 25 aircraft dropped 26 tons of H.E. on Benghazi harbor, hits being scored on moles and railway sidings. On the night of 22nd/23rd 61 tons of H.E. and 3600 incendiaries were dropped on Mannheim, 27 tons of H.E. on the docks at Havre, 20 tons an Brest. |