November, 1941. OPTEL 2 LIBYA. 24 November. Jalo captured; 200 prisoners taken. 24th/25th November. The enemy raiding column consisting of armoured oars, about 30 tanks and some M.T.; moving towards Sheferzen; being engaged during the night by part of our armoured forces. During The 25th of November our tanks again attacked the enemy column near Sheferzen and artillery, 9 enemy tanks being knocked out. 25th November. By mid-day New Oealand troops, supported by infantry and tanks; had reached a point 8 miles west of Gambut on the Bardia-Tobruk read; and also a point about 5 miles East of Sidi Rezegh. Armoured cars were patrolling track from Sheferzen to Bit E1 Gobi the latter had been evacuated by the enemy. A considerable portion of our armoured forces and a South African Brigade had also been concentrated in this area. By night 25th/26th November Tobruk Garrison had made further progress; capturing two more enemy posts. Enemy artillery fire reported light. Our tank situation is reported much improved. The report of pture of the Commander of one of our armoured Brigades is in During the night of 25th/26th November New Oealand troops captured Sidi Rezeghe 26th November. Stiff fighting continued North of Sidi Rezegh and by 0900 Tobruk forces could see New Oealanders signal At 1300 Tobruk Garrison were attacking El Duda (3 miles to North North West of Sidi Rezegh). |