-2- In addition a number of wounded New Oealand troops were found in an abandoned enemy dressing station and are being evacuated. During 6th our mechanised mobile columns destroyed 23 Italian tanks, over 100 mechanical transports and a complete German artillery battery. 200 prisoners were taken and 90 Germans killed. MALAYA . It appears that 1st Japanese attack on KOTA BHARU was repulsed but subsequently the enemy troops succeeded in landing and are reported infiltrating towards aerodromes. They are being engaged by our Land and Air Forces. RUSSIA. FINLAND and LENINGRAD Sector. No change. Central Sector. Such slight progress as the Germans have made in their attack on M0SCOW has been in DMITROV area due North of the capital. West of MOSCOW, the position remains unchanged. Fierce fighting continues in TULA area, where Russians are offering stubborn resistance. The German thrust towards M0SCOW thence to RYAOHSK - VORONEOH railway continues, and a slight advance has been made south west of RYAOHSK. East South East of (?) the Germans have gained ground in the direction of YELETS. UKRAINE. No change except in extreme south, where Russians have succeeded in pushing back the Germans from ROSTOV to a line running north and south just East of TA(?G)ANHOG. There is no information that Germans have yet abandoned line of River MIUS. CRIMEA. No change. Pressure on SEVASTOPOL has probably eased as result of operations in ROSTOV sector. General. The Germans attempt to encircle MOSCOW has made little progress. Owing to Russians having been able to exploit their success at ROSTOV the German menace to CAUCASIA has been Further postponed. (III) AIR OPERATIONS. 7th. An 800 ton merchant vessel off Dutch coast was attacked by Hudsons and left sinking. During offensive operations over Northern France, in which 1 R.C.A.F. and 1 R.N.O.A.F. Squadron took part, our fighters attacked the DIEPPE power station. 1 Spitfire is missing. 7t %h/8th. 254 A/C were sent out - AACHEN 132, BREST 31, CALAIS 24, OSTEND 23, DUNKIRK 22, BOULOGNE 19, and leaflets (HOLLAND and PARIS area) 3. LIBYA . 6th. 2 Squadrons of MARTLETS and 4 of Blenheims attacked mechanical transports in EL ADEM area. Bombs fell among a group of tank(?) tank carriers and M/T. One Blenheim is missing. BEAU fighters attacked M/T on DERNA-TOBRUK road and aircraft on the ground at EL TMIMI, 5 of which were damaged. Two BEAU fighters were lost but crew of one believed safe. Hurricanes |