- 2 - Our central columns on KROH road has met slight enemy opposition. KEDAH Area. Contact with enemy was established in early hours just North of CHANGLUN. KUANTAN . No further enemy attacks reported. Heavy scale of air attack has made majority of Northern aerodromes unserviceable; demolitions have been carried out at ALORSTAR aerodrome. RUSSIA. The Russian claim to have retaken TOKHVIN is believed to be correct. GILBERT ISLANDS . Japanese have apparently landed at TARITARI and TARAWA. U.S. It is believed Japanese troops have occupied GUAM and WAKE ISLANDS and have landed on North and West coast of LUOON, PHILIPPINE Islands. SIAM . A Japanese Force of about 2 divisions is continuing to move into SIAM from Southern INDO-CHINA. 2 to 3 Japanese Divisions have been landed on East coast of KRA Isthmus. (III) AIR OPERATIONS 10th. 8 Hampdens laid mines off Dutch coast and 8 other attacked military objectives near mouth of EMS. A Hudson probably hit a 2500 ton merchant vessel off NORWAY. LIBYA . 8th/9th and 9th. Dispersed aircraft at DERNA and EL TMIMI aerodrome and M.T. in the vicinity were bombed. 9th. Fighter sweeps were carried out throughout the day over EL GOBI-EL ADEM-TOBRUK area during which several formations of German fighters were met. 7 enemy aircraft were destroyed, one probably destroyed, and 6 damaged. 9 of our aircraft are missing and certain more have not returned but may have landed at TOBRUK. 9th/10th. Wellingtons in a 6 hour attack dropped over 36 tons of bombs on store depots West of TRIPOLI. At least 6 large buildings were destroyed and numerous fires were started which merged into one large conflagration. M.T. vehicles were also machine gunned. (IV) ENEMY ACTIVITY JAPAN. It is estimated that there are now about 400 aircraft in French INDO-CHINA and SIAM. A general air movement Southwards continued. % About 80 long range fighters have moved to PATANI aerodrome near Northern Malayan Frontier. |