Copy No. 11 OPTEL No. 40 Information received up to 7 a.m., 18th December, 1941. (I) NAVAL Northern Waters. 26th November. A Russian submarine sank an 800 ton merchant ship in FUGLO SOUND (S.W. of North Cape). Between 28th November and 6th December another Russian submarine sank one 10,000 and two 6,000 ton escorted merchant ships in the vicinity of North Cape. 17th p.m. Two of H.M. minesweepers were in action with two enemy destroyers off GORODETSKY (entrance to WHITE SEA). One was slightly damaged and the other has so far been unlocated. MEDITERRANEAN . 17th. Early in the morning our aircraft located a force of enemy battleships, cruisers and destroyers Southbound escorting 4 merchant ships, to the Westward of NAVARINO. At 5.55 p.m. our light forces were in action with the enemy 165 miles to the Southward but lost touch at 6.47 p.m. since when no further reports have been received. Attacks on shipping. 13th. A Spanish tanker of medium tonnage was sunk by a U-boat off the Spanish coast to the East of GIBRALTAR. 15th. A Portuguese ship of medium tonnage was torpedoed in the vicinity of CAPE ST. VINCENT. 16th. A Dutch coastal vessel was damaged in the BRISTOL CHANNEL by an enemy aircraft which was probably shot down by a Corvette. (II) MILITARY LIBYA. 16th. We continued to press the enemy along the whole front taking about 1,000 Italians prisoner. Strong resistance was encountered some 12 miles South-West of GAOALA. Meanwhile a mobile detachment had reached TMIMI astride the GAOALA-DERNA road where some enemy M.T. was destroyed. In the afternoon our armoured forces moving from BIR HALEGH EL ALEBA (See OPTEL No. 39) engaged the enemy in the rear of his right flank North of the THIGH EL ABD. 17th. 10 a.m. 22 German tanks (probably remnants of 15th and 21st German armoured divisions) escorting a large column were discovered withdrawing in the direction of TMIMI. Later enemy beg %an to retreat all along the line. Our forces followed up and by noon, New Oealand troops had reached a point 10 miles North West of GAOALA. The main portion of our armoured forces was moving from the BIR HALEGH EL ALEBA area on TMIMI. Frontier Area. South African troops captured an enemy post forming part of the defences of BARDIA. Following prisoners of war have reached |