DRAFT OF DECLARATION FOR DISCUSSION WITH INDIAN LEADERS The conclusions of the British War Cabinet set out below are those which Sir S. Cripps has brought with him for discussion with the Indian leaders and the questions as to whether they will be implemented will depend upon the outcome of those discussions which are now taking place. His Majesty's Government having considered the anxieties expressed in this country and in India as to the fulfillment of promises made in regard to the future of India have decided to lay down in precise and clear terms the steps which they propose shall be taken for the earliest possible realization of self-government in India. The object is the creation of a new Indian Union which shall constitute a Dominion, associated with the United Kingdom and other Dominions by a common allegiance to the Crown, but equal to them in every respect, in no way subordinate in any aspect of its domestic or external affairs. Majesty's Government therefore makes the following declarat A. Immediately upon the cessation of hostilities, steps shall be taken to set up in India, in the manner described hereafter, an elective body charged with the task of framing a new constitution for India. |