Text Version

                      BRITISH EMBASSY                       
                         WASHINGTON, D.C                    
                          2nd June 1942                     
                    Dear Mr. President,                     
I have had a telegram from the Duke of Windsor asking me to 
          convey to you the following personal message:     
"I have arrived in Nassau and thank you very much for 
      all the courtesy and facilities extended to me by the United 
                   States Navy for air journey.             
"Also appreciate the sending of 75 Military Police who 
    arrived this morning and are rendering valuable assistan
"Situation quieter and will report to you on my return 
                          to Washington.                    
                        "Sincere regards.                   
                        Believe me,                         
                      Very sincerely yours,                 
                       The Honorable                        
                    Franklin Delano Roosevelt,              
           President of the United States of America,       
      Washington, D.C. 
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