Text Version

      During night 12/13th and the following day 6 enemy aircraft bombed 
             BENGHAOI and laid mines in the harbour.        
       SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> 13the 38 bombers and fighters 
      attacked HALFAR area destroying 1 Hurricane and causing some 
        civilian casualties. Two ME 109's were destroyed.   
                         FAR EAST.                          
       SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> 12th. 120 enemy aircraft made 
      3 attacks on SINGAPORE. 6 enemy fighters were destroyed and 4 
 more probably destroyed Our losses were 6 aircraft and 2 pi
                       HOME SECURITY                        
During daylight a single 
      air rail bombed Dorman Long's Iron Works Redcar. Casualties reported 
      l0 killed and a single aircraft bombed LOWESTOFT with some damage 
            to private property and 35 people killed.       
5. Japanese transports 
     have been located in CAMRANH BAY and in MARSHALL ISLAND
6. Reported that the daily 
      movement of about 1,800 tons of motor spirit and diesel oil from 
      GERMANY to ITALY which started on 12th December was still continuing 
                         on January 3rd.                    
7. 32 hours is in future 
      to be the normal working week throughout the large textile industry 
      in ITALY. This reduction is the result of increasing shortage 
                        of raw materials.                   
8. It is understood able 
      amount of rolling stock has been immobilized to the North of 
      this place, but at GEMAS which is now railhead there is sufficient 
      stock to work the line from SINGAPORE to GEMAS to full capacity. 
      The program for the destruction of dredgem and rubber stocks 
       at SELANGOR was successfully completed in the main.  
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