-2- MEDITERRANEAN. MALTA. During l7th/18th and 18th a total of 25 aircraft at-tacked causing only slight damage. 17th/18th. Four naval Swordfish attacked an 8,000 tons tanker and two destroyers off LAMPEDUSA. The tanker and one destroyer were hit by torpedo. FAR EAST. MALAYA. SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> On the 17th and 18th our bombers successfully attacked launches, sampans and barges in the MUAR-MALACCA area, also bombed the railway center at GEMAS. One enemy aircraft was shot down and one Blenheim lot. SINGAPORE. SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> During same period the Island was attacked three times by a total of 249 aircraft. Four oil cisterns at the Naval Base were set on fire and the dockyard was slightly damaged. At one aerodrome a hangar was demolished and at another buildings were burnt. Five of our aircraft were destroyed, eight probably destroyed and five damaged. We lost four Buffalo Fighters but two pilots are saved 4. There are indications that a third Squadron of Japanese heavy bombers has moved to the CAROLINE, MARSHALL and adjacent Islands in which there are many bases. |