OPTEL No. 24. Following is supplementary resume of operational events covering the period 8th to 15th January, 1942. Exceptionally heavy gales were experienced in the North Atlantic. Both the SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU may have been damaged in recent raids on BREST. The first convoy to BENGHAOI began unloading on 9th. Other western desert convoys are proceeding normally. DERNA is in use as a supply port. A destroyer torpedoed on 12th was successfully towed into ALEXANDRIA. SUBMARINES SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New">. The westward movement of U-boats across the Atlantic has continued. There are now concentrations south of NEWFOUNDLAND and off NEW ENGLAND coast. A few also are operating in the western approaches to the STRAITS OF GIBRALTAR. There is no indication of any in the South Atlantic. Shipping losses were moderate, 8 ships are known to have been sunk during the period, five of them by submarines, two by aircraft and one by mine. TRADE SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New">. Ships convoyed - 825e Imports during week ending 10th, 682,000 tons, including 318,000 oil imports. Of 32 enemy Merchant Vessels (17 Italian and 15 German) which tried to run the British blockade during 194l, 14 totaling 83,700 tons were intercepted, 10 of them being scuttled or sunk and four captured. Of four German ships which crossed the Atlantic from east to west to South American ports, only one succeeded in returning. LIBYA. SIOE="-1" FACE="Courier New"> The Axis forces withdrew from JEDABYA in good time before becoming committed with our main body and are now established in a strong position immediately south and east of % AGHEILA with their armour protecting their right flank they have been joined by the Italian Division formerly in reserve in the TRIPOLI area. They probably have now a fair reserve of supplies, especially oil, brought by lorry or landed from small ships at points along the coast, and may have been reinforced with some tanks from ITALY, their air close support is much stronger than a fortnight ago and their dive-bombers have already caused us casualties. The enemy must realize that there is no other position so strong forward of the TRIPOLI area and, consequently, to surround or dislodge him, we must have a high scale of attack which will the some time to build up. TOBRUK, DERNA and BENGHAOI are in use but unloading is being hindered by bad weather and a shortage of tugs and lighters, weather has been bad and some of our aerodromes are waterlogged. Our supply position is steadily improving, though slowl |