OPTEL No. 54 Information received up to 7 A.M. 14th February 1942. 1. NAVAL. The German Battle Cruisers and Cruiser have not been located since they were last reported off the Texel on 12th evening. Reference Optel No. 48. The Free French Corvette has now sunk east of Newfoundland. A of Newfoundland. A convoy for Malta, which left Alexandria on 12th escorted by an Anti-aircraft Cruiser and seven destroyers, was repeatedly bombed on 13th, one merchant vessel being damaged and escorted into Tobruk. 2. MILITARY. LIBYA . Except for normal patrolling, there was no ground activity in the forward area. SINGAPORE . No further information has been received. BURMA . Enemy took Mataban mainly by sea landing well behind the town, combined with land attack from the South. A company of the K.O.Y.L.I. got to close quarters with enemy on East side of Mataban and charged. Enemy fled and suffered considerable losses. 12th. Heavy fighting has again broken out in the area Yinnyein-Paan, where the situation is obscure. A Baluch Regiment is engaged in heavy fighting at Paan. PERSIA . Fighting has started between Persian troops and Kurdish rebels in Kurdistan. The Kurds have captured the Persian garrison of Sakiz. 3. AIR OPERATONS . Western Front . 12th. Aircraft from two R.C.A.F., one R.A.A.F. and one R.N.O.A.F. Squadrons took part in the operations over the straits. One R.A.A.F. aircraft was lost. 13th. Our fighters carried out six offensive sweeps, involving 199 aircraft, over the straits of Dover area. One 200-ton vessel off 0stend was damaged by machine gun fire and one Heinkel was shot down. Two Spitfires were lost. 13/14th. 85 bombers were sent out: Cologne 30, Havre 28, Aachen 18. All returned safely. LIBYA . 12th. Hurricanes intercepted 30 German dive bombers with fighter escort which were approaching Tobruk, forcing the majority to Jettison their bo %mbs. Three dive bombers and one fighter were destroyed and a further two aircraft were probably destroyed. Two Hurricanes were lost but one pilot is safe. A Heinkel was destroyed over Mersa Matruh. 12/13th. Six Malta Wellingtons attacked Tripoli (L), causing an extensive fire in the Harbour area. MALTA . 13th. A total of 68 fighters and bombers attacked the island. Two hits on the Submarine base caused casualties amongst service personnel and there were further casualties at Takali Aerodrome. MEDITERRANEAN. 12th. A Maryland on reconnaissance, attacked by two Messerschmidts, shot down one of them. |