OPTEL No. 55 Information received up to 7 A.M., 15th February, 1942. 1. NAVAL One of H.M. corvettes was torpedoed off HALIFAX on the 14th. MEDITERRANEAN. One of H.M. submarines reports sinking a 5,O00 ton ship in a southeast bound convoy north of CEPHALONIA on the 1st and damaging a trawler by gunfire south of CORFU on the 3rd Another submarine has reported that she sank a merchant vessel of about 4,000 tons and a third submarine hit and considers she sank a 2,500 ton ship in ballast on the 8th. The convoy to MALTA was again attacked by aircraft yesterday. One 7,0OO ton merchant vessel was sunk and another if similiar tonnage was damaged and had to be sunk by our forces, the crew being rescued. On the 14th, an 8,000 ton British merchant vessel was torpedoed southwest of NEWFOUNDLAND and a small British ship was shelled by submarine and set on fire off TRINCOMALEE. A 5,000 ton British ship and an 8,000 ton Dutch tanker and four other ships were hit by bombs in an attack on a convoy from PALEMBA to BATAVIA. The first two ships are probably total losses. 2. MILITARY LIBYA . During the past week the enemy has concentrated his forces in the forward area in two main groups, a northern group in the MARTUBA-TMIMI area and a southern group about MEKILI. SINGAPORE . No further information has been received. BURMA . Severe fighting has been taking place in the PAAN area where a Baluch regiment was attacked by superior forces and surrounded after three days' hard fighting. Three British officers and 100 Indian other ranks have so far returned, The position is now quieter. No further enemy advance on THATON from the south. RUSSIA . Russian attacks are continuing against stiff enemy resistance in the DONETS sector. 3. AIR OPERATIONS WESTERN FRONT . 13th/14th. Sixty three tons of bombs were %dropped on COLOGNE and eighteen on HAVRE. Ten aircraft bombed AACHEN. Few results were seen owing to cloud. 14th/15th. 114 aircraft were sent out, MANNHEIM 98, HAVRE 16. Two are missing. |