-13- #680, Nineteenth, from London Gentleman look back to the debates of last December and he will be able to judge whether his information was correct or not. The Greek Socialist Party is directed by a Political Bureau of eight members. Mr. Gallagher: It is a fake. There is no Socialist Party in Europe. Mr. Eden: I know the Honorable Member does not like Socialist parties anyway. Mr. Gallagher: I put this to the Secretary of State: that this demonstrates it to be a fake - there never has been a Socialist party in Europe which had a political bureau. Mr. Eden: Perhaps the Honorable Gentleman will let me describe who these people are. Mr. Gallagher: It is a fake. Mr. Eden: -and then the people who know the Socialist Party better than me can speak about it. This party is directed by a political bureau of eight members all but one of whom are now in Athens - I know where the one who is not in Athens is but I do not pro-pose to say- and by a central committee of twenty all but two of whom are also in Athens. Now it so happens that representation of this party at the moment is especially full because the pound are also in Athens four dele-gates from northern GREECE (*) Were all members of the Central Committee. I will give their names so that they can be |