Text Version

      This message must be London 
      closely paraphrased be- Dated November 5, 1938
      fore being communicated Rec'd 7:25 a.m.
      to anyone. (A)
      Secretary of State, 
      1288, November 5, ll a.m.
The Foreign Office informs me that the King will include the 
      following passage in his speech at the opening of Parliament 
      on Tuesday November 8:
      "I have been happy to accept an invitation extended to the 
      Queen and myself by the President to visit the United States 
      of America before the conclusion of my Canadian tour. I warmly 
      welcome this practical expression of the good feeling that prevails 
      between our two countries."
The President may care to see this with a view to framing 
      his own announcement. Cadogan has intimated to me that it would 
      be appreciated here if the President saw his way to include in 
      his announcement an indication of the contemplated duration of 
      the visit i.e. four days. The King has not seen fit to give such 
      an indication in his speech to Parliament but Cadogan suggests 
      that if the President could give such an indication it might 
      prevent a flood of questions and speculation.
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