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      FRIDAY, JUNE 9
      A.M. Open. Until ll:30 o'clock.
      (NOTE: The British Ambassador has indicated that there are a 
      number of British organizations, such as the British Legion and 
      the British Chamber of Commerce, which have requested appointments 
      with the King. There is also the English Speaking Union. This 
      time has been noted as available for such appointments. The King 
      would receive visitors at the British Embassy.)
      11:40 A.M. Depart for Washington Navy Yard. Cutaway and top hat. 
      12:00 A.M. Arrive Navy Yard where the President will greet the 
      King and Queen and the members of their party on board the U.S.S. 
      Potomac. Luncheon will be served on board during the sail to 
      Mount Vernon. The King will lay a wreath at Washington's tomb 
      at Mount Vernon. Return to Washington will be by automobile with 
      a stop at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington Cemetery. 
      A wreath will also be laid by the King at this tomb.
      (NOTE: The American Legion asks to be included
      in the arrangements at Arlington.)
      P.M. Informal tea at the White House?
      (NOTE: The British Ambassador has indicated that the King and 
      Queen would like to meet a small number of people at this time.)
      8:15 P.M. Dinner at British Embassy. Evening clothes. Following 
      the dinner the King and Queen will entrain for New York.
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