own hearts sympathy for the thousands of unfortunates who have been castigated, tortured and ruined because of a dictator's insane hate and venom. Events abroad indicate in no uncertain terms the great stake which religion must play in the preservation of democracy against the savage and merciless inroads of Fascism, Naziism and Communism. These ideologies exclude the virtues of Christianity- faith, hope and charity, benevolence and brotherly love- those virtues which are the very basis of our moral code. The unbroken tradition of the Holy see with respect to international peace has been worthily continued to the present by the lamented supreme Pontiff Pius XI, who, in his allocution on peace in 1930, condemned in strongest terms "hard and selfish nationalism" and to the hour of his death courageously stood firm against every policy that threatened peace by undermining the principles of Justice and charity in relations among nations. The present Supreme Pontiff Pius XII, in the brief space that has elapsed since his elevation to the highest office in the Catholic Church, already has given eloquent evidence |