humankind, is a single, great universal human race. All men are, above all, members of the same great kind. They all belong to the single great family of the living, Humankind is, therefore, a single universal race." Nazi terror directed the storming of the homes of Cardinals Innitzer and Faulhaber. The Catholic priesthood is held up to ridicule and scorn and shame. Hundreds of Protestant Clergymen of the Confessional church have been arrested, and Pastor Niemoeller still languishes in a Nazi cell| I believe the nation generally would welcome your course and understanding in this matter of re-establishing diplomatic relations with the Holy See. A pronouncement to this effect would scatter the termites of bigotry and rodents of irreligion the world over. No sincere citizen of the United States, familiar with the history of his country and its relations with the Holy See, can reasonably object to the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the government of the United States and the Holy See. Lastly, there has ascended to the Papal Throne, Pope |