Text Version

                       Your Holiness:                       
Your Holiness has been good enough to send me a message upon the occasion  
of my reelection to the Presidency of the United States of America and to  
recall the cordial relations I had with Your Holiness when, as Cardinal   
       Secretary of State, you visited this country.        
I take this occasion not only to express my profound appreciation of   
your message but to reiterate the hope that through friendly association  
between the seekers of light and the seekers of peace everywhere a firm  
basis of lasting concord between men and nations can be established throughout  
the world once again.  Only when the principles of Christianity and the right   
of all peoples to live free from the threat of external aggression are  
established can that peace which Your Holiness and I so ardently desire be   
To my deep regret Mr. Myron Taylor has been obliged to interrrupt his  
                   mission in Italy but I                   
                        His Holiness                        
                          Pope Pius XII                     
                            Vatican City.                   
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