Germany of William II was a dream in comparison with that of the Nazis| We
could have lived in Europe with the victory of that Germany, however detestable
it was. We shall not be able to live in Europe under the domination of the
abominable gangsters in brown shirts. I understand Count Teleki| I assure you
that all Europe will count as Teleki did| It is horrible to have young children
and to say to oneself that they are perhaps called to lve under the boot of
those brutes| It would have been better not to beget them. So I have difficulty
in understanding, I must confess, how the United States, which went into the
1917 war from such honorable motives, should still hesitate to make its maximum
effort in this war, since the motives of 25 years ago are, so to speak, nothing
in comparison with those of today| I assure you that it is not an idle phrase
to say that civilization is at stake. France herself does not count in this
disaster; the disaster far exceeds the case of France.
I know that I am preaching to a converted person. But I should like,
however, for you to know what anguish there is in me, in us, in forty million
ench people, in three hundred million Europeans and Christia