Text Version

    In view of the fact that the Holy See is endeavoring to offer every   
possible spirtual and moral assistance to those who are suffering from the   
unfortuante consequnces of this war, it would deeply appreciate any   
representations which might be made by the United States Commission now   
in Moscow to the competent Authorities there with a view to bringing   
about an understanding of this charitable mission and a helpful   
cooperation on the part of all concerned - especially to assure that   
prisioners in Russian hands will be afforded adequate religious and   
                     moral assistance.                      
The information Bureau of the Vatican, which has enjoyed some success in   
securing comforting information of soldiers for their distressed families,   
would likewise be most appreciative of any steps taken by the Commission   
in Moscow to assure an active participation of the compeent Authorities   
in this most imprtant work.  A relaxation of present restrictions would   
be of inestimable assistane to the Holy See and would most certainly serve   
to quite the dreadful anxieties of thousands of families which awit some   
news of fathers and sons.  If Father Braun, an American priest in charge   
of the Church of St. Louis in Moscow, were to be called upon in this regard,  
        he would, no doubt, be of great assistance.         
These charitable endeavors of the Holy See are prompted bya sincere desire   
to be of utmost assistance to men of all nations in these difficult and   
trying days of war and are not intended to interfere with or hamper in any   
way the undertakings of othe organizations.  Consequently steps have been   
taken to provide for Russian prisoners the same services which are now   
             requested for prisoners in Russia.             
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