copy well have contained more truth than fiction. This confession is in. the hands of the I.R.A. and portions of it, incriminat- ing two Cabinet Ministers in the bombing outrages perpetrated in England before the outbreak of the war and in the theft from the National Arsenal in Phoenix Park, are being circulated by underground means. The Government reprieved the kidnapper, who had been sentenced to death by the Military Tribunal, and has commuted his sentence to Life. The interpretation of this is that they prefer to keep him alive as a hostage. It has been brought out that Hayes, a former Chief of Staff of the I.R.A., for the past two years has been a stool pigeon for the Department of Justice. Discussing the Church situation with Mr. Taylor, I could only tell him that it was my belief that whatever attitude the Vatican might take, the Irish bishops would be unlikely to give more than lip service to a policy which interfered with nationalistic consideration. It, however, would be of enormous value in stemming the attempt of German propoganda in Ireland to have it known that the Vatican was not unfriendly to the policy of the British and American Governments. |