REQUESTS Liberation of al priests imprisoned and detained in the USS 2. Sojourn- permits for at least 105 priest according to the note of Ambassador Kot. 3. Sojourn -permit and freedom of religious work for a chaplain of the Embassy. 4. The release of confiscated religious objects. 5. The right to fulfill their religious duties for the above mentioned priests attached to the Polish Delegations or working in localities of concentration of the Polish population, with full right to circulate on a given territory, without the obligation of organizing religious communities and free of charge. Example: In Tobolsk, Father Jagielnicki was charged rb. 50,000, equalling at official rate of exchange 59, 435 for the 59,435 for the exercise of his religious duties and rb. 200,000 ($37,740) for permission of doing so till the end of the year. 6. The right of religious service in closed apartments of Polish citizens or in the house put to their disposal. 7. Permits of stay free circulation and of religious exercise should be signed by the polish authorities in the USSR and countersigned by central and local Soviet authorites. 8. In case of the arrest of a Polish Priest, the Soviet authorities should at once inform the Polish Embassy of the fact. September 16th, 1942. |