Text Version

                        Dear Myron:                         
I have given much thought to the message which you were good enough to   
telephone to me on November 30 in regard to bombing in Italy.  I   
understand fully your concern in this matter and the reasons why you   
believe that it would be advantageous for me to instruct you to make it   
clear to His Holiness the Pope, in confidence, that we will follow an   
independent course of action regarding the bombing of Rome and the civilan   
    population outside of miltary and munitions centers.    
At the same time, I question the advisability of our adopting an   
indpendent course of action different from that of our principal asociate   
in the war.  For the present, therefore, I cannot give you the instructions   
which you suggest even though I recognize the importance of the   
            considerations which you set forth.             
With every good wish, I am   
Very sincerely yours,  
                       The Honorable                        
                        Myron Taylor                        
                         The Villas                         
                    Palm Beach, Florida.                    
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