bend every effort for a peace that will be Just, charitable and lasting. Most notable of all Catholic pronouncements was that contained in the letter of the Catholic Hierarchy to the President of the United States pledging the whole- hearted cooperation of Catholics in the national war effort. This letter, individually authorized by the Bishops of the United States, solemnly engaged "the lives, the treasure and the sacred honor" of American..Catholics in the defense of their freedom against aggression. The response of the President was historic: "We shall win this war, wrote Roosevelt, "and in victory we shall seek not vengeance but the establishment of an international order in which the spirit of Christ shall rule the hearts of man and of nations." . The same unity based on high purpose pervades all the people of the United States. Contrary to Axis propa- ganda claims, the vast majority of our people are responsive to Christian inspiration, even though many may not: be prac- tical church-goers. The Axis charge that there are sixty million Atheists in the United States is sheer nonsense-- a perversion of statistics on church membership and at tendance by which the persecutors of religion are trying to use the church for their own sinister purposes. It would be equally misleading for outsiders to be influenced by Axis propaganda about political differences in the-United States. We are a democracy and even in war-time we insist upon our political freedom. Members of .the Democratic and Republican political parties are even not, contending for many public offices, and no one, whatever |