diminishes| An instructive experiment was made in this sense when Tobruk fell an dRommel advanced into Egypt. It cannot be denied that there are sincer critics, honest persons and faithful christians who see the absuridity of this war for Italy, but all these Italian friends, when they talk among themselves or with foreigners, come to the same conclusion: it;s true, but what can we do? 5. There is poverty. But pverty is relative , more acute in cities than in the countries. Italy is an agricultural contry where, because of a favorable climate, the land produces a great deal in all seasons. The Germans now arriving in Italy find it a real paradise in comparison with their own contry. It is everybody's ambition in Germany to visit Italy in order to satisfy the demands -legitimate ones, to be sure -of their stomachs. For Germany the Italian alliance is a real piece of luck, which permits her not only to carry the war into the Mediterranean and Africa, but also lighten her economic difficulties and to continue the strugg 6. As the contry has been spared the horrors of war up to now, it is possible to slep here tanquilly and to live in a certain measure of security. The Italians hope, in hte end, to benefit by the indulgence of the English and the Americans, whose weakness for the "beautiful country" is well known. 7. Finally, one must not forget that the country finds itself, at least partially, in a state of German occupation and under German control. Consequently, all allusions to the subject of a movement in favor of the cesation of hostilities and the abandonment of the Protector-Ally are without foundation. The present regime i Italy will be overthrown, ps even noisily, only when Germany's defeat has been accompl |