Text Version

                     September 4, 1944.                     
                       Your Holiness:                       
I am deeply gratified, and I am sure President  
Roosevelt will be, with the profound allocullon delivered  
to the world by Your Holiness on Friday last. It breathes  
the potent essence of brotherly love, tempered by clear insight into human   
nature; it appraises man's natural  
asirations; it leads his thoughts along the paths of  
present day realities; it offers ultimate rewards splendid  
and obtainable; it encourages mankind in this tragic hour by  
its enlightened and clear statement that they may hopefully  
readjust their burdens; it points the foxward path for the  
    attainment of a greater and more enduring happiness.    
I am deeply pleased, as Mr. Tittmann informs me of  
Your remark to him on Saturday that you accepted my suggestion  
with respect to the international organization for peace and incorporated   
it in your allocution. This gives me infinite satisfaction. 
With assurances of continuing hommage and deep appreciation  
many unusual courtesies shown my country and myself, believe
                     Faithfully yours,                      
                  (signed) Myron C. Taylor                  
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