Vatican: Taylor, Myron C. : Mar. - Apr. 1945 (i474) Index

Original Documents Index

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FDR-->Acting Sec. of State 3/3/45
Myron Taylor-->F.D.R. 3/5/45
Taylor-->F.D.R. 3/6/45
Translation of memorandum from former P.M. Orlando-->Myron Taylor 2/27/45
Taylor-->F.D.R. 3/15/45
specimens of apocryphal Vatican news circulated in Rome
F.D.R. -->Taylor 3/16/45
Stettinius jr.-->F.D.R. 3/15/45 memo
Taylor -->F.D.R. 2/16/45
Taylor-->F.D.R 2/16/45
Taylor-->F.D.R. 3/21/45
Taylor-->F.D.R. 3/21/45
Stettinius jr memo for F.D.R. 3/30/45
Geo. Summerlin-->Latta 3/13/45
Taylor-->Sec. of State 3/10/45
Taylor-->F.D.R. 4/3/45
Taylor-->Ass. Sec. of State Acheson 4/3/45
Taylor -->Acheson draft telegram 4/3/45
Taylor--> Field Marshal Alexander 3/16/45
Hamblen, Allies force HQ -->Taylor 3/25/45
Bonomi, Pres. of council of ministers-->Taylor 3/30/45
Taylor-->F.D.R. 4/3/45
memo on Italian Political Situation by Prof. Raffaele Bastianelli
Taylor-->F.D.R. 4/3/45
Report of Dr. K. Janos Toth--Church situation in Budapest 3/26/45
Taylor -->F.D.R. 4/5/45
Taylor-->F.D.R. 4/5/45
Minutes of Meeting 20 of Amer. Relief for Italy 3/23/45
Taylor-->F.D.R. 4/6/45
Letter by N.P. Comnene, former Fore. Minister of Rumania (in French) 3/27/45
memo by Comnene (in French) 2/1945
Taylor-->F.D.R. & Sec. of State 4/10/45
G.Tully-->Taylor 5/16/45
Taylor-->F.D.R. 4/7/45

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