-11- to rebuild its organization. It was at a low ebb. Distribution before the end of this week in the most sorely devastated areas will begin. It should move in a steady stream so long as a generous American public continues its donations, and the National War Fund continues its support. By the time of Germany's surrender I believe the questions involving American Relief for Italy and with which I have been concerned will have been solved. The principal ones have already been solved. I shall then have directed the Italian side of American Relief for Italy's activities, so that with the ira- portant cooperation and contribution of Hr. Howard Barr, appointed by me as my deputy chairman in Italy, and released temporarily by American Red Cross, relief distribution will have advanced to point where repetition of operation begins, organization en It is my thought at not too late a moment to turn over to the National Committee for the Distribution of Relief in Italy complete charge of all distribution of American Relief for Italy's supplies. American Relief for Italy should then leave this field. From present indications that will be possible after several months' time, possibly by the time of the surrender of Germany. There remains, then, the unconditional surrender of |