3-#417 Twenty third from Vatican City inadequate considering the size of the diaster and the volume of the demands but still they are sufficient to meet the most tragic situations- above all, they are such as to give the Italian people a tangible feeling taht human brotherhood and solidarity among people are not merely a literary expression. The Great American nation has streched out her arms to suffering Italy and we have flet all the warmth and sinceity of this gesture. We realize and appreciate the profound human meaning of the American relief for Italy which has been offered with such friendship and which is so gratefully received. The Christmas and New Year festivities are upon us and despite the war the sweet gatherings which are held for innocent children are not forgotten. Throughout the communities where so many childen have been left without homes they are being brought together at this Christmas time and they will enjoy their Christmas trees, the bright lights and the gifts and there wil be rejoicing. tables will be made merry. The help of our Allies is particularing gratifying and touching also on this occasion. The American and British Red Cross and the American Navy and the representatives of he United Nations and other agencies have all been moved by a single |