6- #AMVAT 423 Thirtieth, from Rome of relief to Italy. The most serious obstacle has been the lack of available shipping to transport the required foodstuffs. This grows out of the demands for essenial supplies and munitions for the prosecution of the war. In order to obtain additional facilities for shippping and inland transportation every effort is being made and will continue to be made as rapidly as changing conditions permit. It is expected that there will be an increase in shipping and relief supplies for the Italian people. You will recall that quite recently President Roosevelt announced that his ogjective in improving the lot of the Italian people is to furnish relief from hunger, sickness and famine. The President also stated taht steps ate being taken to increase the food supply in Italy where it is below the standard necessary to maintain full health and efficiency. Today you may well feel the joy of giving for you know that your generosity is in fact reaching the many needy ones. Thousands are enjoying your gifts bringing warnth to cold and fragile bodies, cheer to hearts which seemed forsaken. American relief for Italy is no longer a propect, it is a reality. We know of course that the extention |