Text Version

Memorandum presented by H. E. Myron C. Taylor, of a suggested plan to   
  relieve the difficulties of the food situation in Italy.  
It would appear desiderable that the system of compulsory food pools   
should be confined only to wheat ( an dnot other cereals) and to olive   
oil.  All other products should be granted immediate free trade--special   
 protection being reserved solely for livestock resources.  
Suitable provisions should be adopted to ensure to each person everywhere   
the following daily rations:  
Bread            Grammes 300  
pasta (macaroni)          70  
olive oil                 10  
                sugar                     15                
The absolute availability everywhere of such quantities should be the   
essential basis for the civilian food supply, which ought to be made   
possible through every means, including, if necessary, the imports into   
Italy and the transportation and the distribution by means which are   
likewise reserved by the armies, namely railways and trucks.
All other products should be left to private enterprise of production,   
transportation and sale.  The outcome of this would certainly have the   
effect of imposing ceiling prices through free trade and competition.  No   
restrictions should be imposed on the transfer of these goods from   
province to province, nor should their entry into large cities or general   
public markets be restricted, regardless of the origin of the goods or the   
                  means of transportation.                  
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