Text Version

in Washington we tried to leave the word "rehabilitation" out for the reasons   
that it would be interpreted by some mean you are going to to rehabilitate a   
community, a town, or hospital, whereas the rehabilitation really is intended   
for rehabilitation of the human being, building him up and giving him renewed   
confidence and assurance to look after his own needs.  They are going into   
sanitation, a field of interest to the government and Red Cross, and other   
fields outside our scope.  The thought passes through my mind whether, in   
order to achieve a relationship with UNRRA in the future, it would not be wise   
for us to specify just what field we would take exclusive charge of, and the   
rest of Italy would be for UNRRA.  We are not strong enough to take the whole   
of Itlay.  ARI, of course, varies from UNRRA in that ours is an absolute   
donation of materials and supplies and theirs, from the outset, has been   
predicated upon the thought that the government of Itlay would participate in   
the cost of the supplies that are to be distributed, either in the distribution   
or the materials themselves.  At one time UNRRA considered selling their   
materials to governments or to groups within a country who were able to purchase.    
I don't know whether that plan was abandoned altogether or not.  We have started   
out distributing milk and vitamins to children in a number of localities, and   
it seems to me that if UNRRA comes here with the same commodities to distribute   
on a different basis it would be a competing operation.
Mr. Barr: I should like to read this clipping from the Stars and Stripes   
of today: 'Cleveland, January 28--within two months of the first privately-  
financed American medical unit, organized to aid war-stricken Italians, will   
be ready, Dr. Elmer L. Sebringhaus of the University of wisconsin, told the   
mid-winter assembly of the Congregational Christian Mission Council here   
yesterday.  He said the Congregational, Christian, and Unitarian Churches had   
allocated 100,000 dollars for the unit and added that there will be additional   
funds.  The unit will work with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation   
Administration and will include eight physicians, two dentists, two laboratory   
technicians, one dietician, and two executive officers."
Mr. Taylor: Now, about the clothing for the ten thousand workers.  Has   
that been settled?  These are the people coming back from prison camps.  I   
believe Mr. Vincentini was requested to submit further information.
Mgr. Carroll-Abbing: From the obtainable information there seems to be no   
possiblity of receiveing supplies from any other source.
Mr. barr: These people are non-military and the only resurce is the   
National Committee.
Mr. taylor: How many are coming?
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