Mr. Taylor: Mr. Barr, will you prepare a summary then for each meeting? Have you any other suggestions? Mr. Barr: I would like to make another suggestion. I think if we constantly tell each other of the good things we do, we should also discuss the mistakes we make. I would like to prepare a report of the mistakes and bring them out in the open so that we do not make them again. I should like to make a suggestion to Mr. Taylor that the Nationat Committee also be advised to bring their mistakes out in the open. I noticed in the trips we made in the provinces that the tendency was to cover up mistakes rather than air them to me. I would like to make a iist of the errors of our distribution, so that if someone brings an error to our attention, we can find ways and means of remedying that situation and will not make the same mistake again. Mr. Taylor: That is a good suggestion. During the next few days we will formulate a full report on the distribution which will be the basis of a nerds release. Mr. Barr and I will try to analyze with your help the field in which other organizations are operating in Italy in respect to relief. I think that would be very useful. I don't believe the A.C. or the Government or ourselves know enough of the various activities of the several groups now functioning in Italy. I believe an analysis of these activities will help clarify the whole situation. |