This telegram must be closely paraphrased ,before being communicated to anyone. Vatican City Dated January 31, 1945 REc'd. 2:43 p.m. Secretary of State, Washington. 29, January 31, 4 p.m. FOR PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY. On Tuesday morning I introduced the Honorable Harry Hopkins to His Holiness Pops Pius in private audience. The audience lastsd approximatsly forty minutes in which time Mr. Hopkins was given opportunity to mention freely such subjects as he had been commissioned by the Prssidcnt to discuss and the Pops had opportunity to exprsss his reaction and to offer any suggestions which he desired to do. In view of the fact that Mr. Hopkins will be returning to America in the not too distnat future and will be reporting to the President himself in the meantime I will refrain from further detailed description of this exchange of views. I would say that in all respects Mr. Hopkins statements accord with my own on the occasion of my many audiences with His Holiness during the year and that the reaction of His Holiness was also in |