INCREASE PROPOSED FOR 1942 1. Our plus at the present moment contemplate increases to the following totals by December 31, 1942: Air: 115 groups (87 combat, 15 observation, 13 transport). These groups involve a strength of men in units of about 700,000. For the maintenance of these groups, for school overhead, and for trainees required for the organiza- tion of addtional groups provided for in the Victory Pro- gram- 300,000 men.. Ground troops: 71 Divisions (present strength 35 Divisions). This would add 4 armored divisions to the present 6, and 32 Infantry divisions to the present 27 Infantry divisions and 2 Cavalry divisions. 2. There would also be included the proportionate additions of antiaircraft, tank destroyer units and supporting Corps and Army troops, particularly of Engineers, Signal Units, Ordance and Quarter- master troops. 3. Further, there must be considered a heavy increase in Military Police for the permanent guarding of the most critical in- stallations in the United States, in order to relieve combat troops now dispersed and tied down to this type of duty. 4. Total oversea land forces of 766,000, (including 300,000 men in strategic outposts and 466,000 men in probable expeditions, for some of which the task forces are now being organized), are projected in 1942. 5. Summary of strength to be reached by December 31, 1942: Continental United States: Trained troops: a. Air Corps 600,000 b. Ground troops 1,300,000 (including expeditionary troops under consideration which may be transferred to overseas). |