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has windows on one side and tapestries on the other.  The gallery is lined on the tapestry side by 
an interminable series of sofas, each with a table and four chairs in front of them. From the gallery 
open off a series of drawing rooms. Finally, we deployed into one of these, and I was requested to 
sit down until the Chancellor was ready to receive me.
          In a very few minutes Meissner came to announce that Hitler was ready to see me, and I 
went with Kirk into the adjoining room, a very long drawing-room furnished with comfortable 
upholstered sofas and chairs, and overlooking the garden of Bismarck's old residence, in which 
Hitler now lives.
          Hitler received me near the door. He greeted me very pleasantly, but with great formality. 
Ribbentrop and Meissner were the only two German officials present at the interview.
          Hitler is taller than I had Judged from his photographs. He has, in real life, none of the 
somewhat effeminate appearance of which he has been accused. He looked in excellent physical 
condition and in good trainlng. His color was good, and while his eyes were tired, they were clear. 
He was dignified both in speech and movement, and there was not the slightest impression of the 
comic effect from moustache and hair which one sees in his caricatures. His voice in conversation 
is low and well modulated. It had only once, during our hour and a half's conversation, the 
raucous stridency which is heard in his speeches--and it was only at that moment that his features 
lost their composure and that his eyes lost their decidedly "gemutlich" look. He spoke with clarity 
and precision, and always in a beautiful German, of which I could
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