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disarmament and international control of armament. If
opportunity were offfered the British people now
a peace built upon these terms, the overwhelming majority
of them would enthusiastically support such a peace, and 
he himself would publicly support it up and down the 
length and breadth of the land.
     "Do not believe them", he said, "when they tell you
that the British people want this war. I know them, and
I know they do not--they want security, and if they can
obtain it on the terms I have mentioned, they will demand
     Mr. Lloyd George spent most of the time talking of
the last war, and of his Prime Ministership. He spoke
of President Wilson with respect, but with no particular
enthusiasm, and of French statesmen with neither respect 
nor enthusiasm.                      
Mr. Lloyd George expressed the conviction that if
peace were restored as the result of an understanding of
the kind he had mentioned, between Great Britain, France,
Germany and Italy, Russia world oncemore withdraw from
active participation in Western European affairs, and
afford no problem of any real gravity.
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