EH This telegram must be London closely paraphrased be- fore being communicated Dated April 3, 1941 to anyone. (D) Rec'd 10:20 p.m. Secretary of State, Washington. RUSH. 1309, April 3, 9 p.m. (SECTION SIX). You wanted to know the effects of bombing. At Clydeside a week or so ago 1100 persons were killed 1600 seriously injured and a very large number of homes destroyed. I was told by competent witnesses that while the families waited to be taken to what shelters were available they rested on what little they had been able to save of their belongings, silent and unswayed, "with- out a tear in the lot." An apprentices' strike which was going on there was called off. Individual output increased in the region. The effect of bombing on factories varies in different communities. Where there is courageous leadership by the mayor, the management or among the workers there has been a prompt return to work. (?) such leadzrship was absent ths problem has been (?) particularly in night (?) The |