JR This telegram must be London closely paraphrased be- fore being communicated Dated April 3, 1941 to anyone. (C). Rec'd 6:20 a.m., 4th. Secretary of State, Washington. RUSH. 1309, April 3, 9 p.m. (SECTION EIGHT) One of the early mistakes in workers training was limiting it to those on relief. Later a small stipend was paid during the working period this was also a mistake because it attracted the less able rather than the skilled from non-essential industries to the war industries. I am told that one of the reasons for considerable absenteeism and apparent reluctance to volunteer among women for munitions work was that wagss have been lower and working conditions less attractive in such work. The total decline in attendance at moving picture shows in all of England is only 30%. The air raid shelters while much improved are still far from satisfactory. I am asking Sergeant Florence, who did some work for the National Planning Board under Mr. Delano, to report on city planning which is receiving very considerable |