EH This telegram must be London closely paraphrased be- fore being communicated Dated December 27, 1941 to anyone. (B) Rec'd 10:45 p.m. Secretary of State, Washington 6234, December 27, 7 a.m. (SECTION FOUR). Method of the Executive. The title "Security Executive" is somewhat mislead- ing to an outsider, as the Executive is a coordinating body and does not itself take the operative action to give effect to its recommendations. It is the function of the Executive to see that security problems are properly envisaged, that the best practical measures are framed to meet them and that responsibility for action is assigned to the appropriate departments. It keeps in close touch with all departments to follow up action and to see that recommendation are working out satisfactorily in practice. At any moment problems and action are reviewed. But the Executive has set itself resolutely against doing the work of other depart- ments. If a department needs strengthening or expanding to undertake some new duty, the Executive makes the necessary recommendations and gives the department all the help it can; but the Executive does not supplant the |