-2- #6234, December 27, 7 a.m. (SECTION EIGHT) from London intelligence. In this way the liberty of the subject has been reconciled. with the security of the state. (C) Subversive activities. It is the duty of the executive towatch through the various in- vestigating departments the activities of all movements which are or maybe subversive and to recommend whatever action may be necessary from time to time. Thus the executive has recommended action against the British Union of Fascists and the prescription of the organization. The activities of the Communist party of Great Britain have been closely watched and their effect on public opinion carefully estimated. Official action has been recommended from time to time and the Executive has been able to expose the penetration of tof the party into many apparently reputable organizations and in particular its attempts to undermine the authority of trade unions, Pacifist organizations have been similarly watched though it has not been necessary to recommend any special action. WINANT NX |