Library ID | Date | Title | Photo |
52114(11) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:painting depicting hockey players from early 1900's in old-fashioned uniforms:artist Henry Billings: Lake Placid New York | 27-0609a.gif |
52114(15) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:painting depicting World War I scene with soldiers and ammunition in foreground and large dirigible suspended in upper middle:artist Peppino Mangravite:Hempstead New York | 27-0610a.gif |
52114(2) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:painting depicting Indians and English soldiers meeting, smoking pipe, and trading in forest scene:artist Henry Schnackenberg:Amsterdam, New York | 27-0607a.gif |
52114(20) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:painting depicting latter part of nineteenth century with train in station on far left and postman surrounded by people with hands outstretched for mail:artist John Sloan:Bronxville Station:Yonkers New York | 27-0611a.gif |
52114(23) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:painting depicting colonial entertainment with families dancing in circle accompanied by fiddlers and a caller on far left and onlookers on right:artist Victoria H. Huntley:Springerville New York | 27-0612a.gif |
52114(26) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:painting depicting farm workers in wooded setting taking a break from their work with blanket spread on ground:horses on far left and sheep and sheepherder on far right:artist J. Theodore Johnson:Garden City New York | 27-0613a.gif |
52114(30) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:New York New York:General Post Office:artist Louis Lozowick: painting of steamboat pushing barges on Hudson River with New York City skyline in background | 27-0596a.gif |
52114(31) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings: Post Office:Freeport New York:artist William Gropper:winter scene in city with train and buildings in background | 27-0597a.gif |
52114(32) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:Bronx Central Station: New York: artist Ben Shahn:woman working on large loom in factory | 27-0598a.gif |
52114(33) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:Rockville Centre New York:artist Victor White:painting of fisherman sitting on wooden box with buckets of fish and clams at his feet and woman standing next to him with shawl on her head and basket under her arm: sailboat and wooden shack in background | 27-0599a.gif |
52114(34) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:Saratoga New York:artist Guy Peine Du Bois:painting of men and women resting and walking leisurely around resort | 27-0600a.gif |
52114(37) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:Bayside Long Island New York:Post Office:bas relief of classical figure Mercury with eagle in background and stars below | 27-0601a.gif |
52114(39) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:large sculpture of two bears playing:Harlem River Housing Project:New York New York:by Heinz Warneke | 27-0602a.gif |
52114(47) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:bas relief of six figures from different historical periods shown in their dress and background framing doorway:artist Vincent Glinsky:Hudson New York | 27-0604a.gif |
52114(48) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:bas relief of classical woman holding dove in right hand and clock in left hand:artist Sten Jacobsson:Forest Hills Station: Flushing New York | 27-0605a.gif |
52114(49) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:bas relief of three figures: Indian, man bending over to pick up object, and woman holding dove in left hand:artist Humbert Albrizio:Hamilton New York | 27-0606a.gif |
52114(5) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:painting depicting people picking apples in orchard and participating in farm scene: artist Arnold Blanch:Fredonia New York | 27-0608a.gif |
52114(51) | 00/00/1937 | FWA:PBA:Paintings and Sculptures for Public Buildings:painting depicting beach scene with bathers, boardwalk, boats, umbrellas, and on-lookers:artist Jon Corbino:Long Beach New York | 27-0614a.gif |
52133(96) | 10/24/1936 | Public Works Administration Project, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Power and Navigation Dam in Oregon, Columbia River, 40 miles East of Portland, "Downstream side of Blocks 7 and 8 of North Half of Spillway Dam and Piers 9 to 12. Inclusive of South Half of Dam" | 27-0907a.gif |
52133(98) | 10/16/1936 | Public Works Administration Project, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Power and Navigation Dam in Oregon, Columbia River, 40 miles East of Portland Oregon "Downstream View of Construction Operations on North half of main dam." | 27-0904a.gif |
52147(4) | 00/00/1936 | WPA National Arts Week | 27-0456a.gif |
52147(6) | 00/00/1936 | WPA National Arts Week | 27-0457a.gif |
52332 | 00/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority, Tennessee Housing, "Stranded in the location of the old Congress mine." | 27-0918a.gif |
52333 | 00/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority, Tenessee Housing, Fentress Co., Wilder, Tennessee, "The sole water supply of this section of Wilder Tenessee. | 27-0919a.gif |
5241(19) | 03/09/1936 | NYA:Utica Industrial Institute:Negro:Hinds County, Mississippi:students raising prize hogs | 27-0536a.gif |
5241(22) | 04/16/1936 | NYA:"class in physical education at Vicksburg Negro High School":"grounds are being improved as a NYA work project" | 27-0540a.gif |
5241(36) | 05/08/1936 | NYA:"Lee County Training School(Negro)":Tupelo, Mississippi:group receiving student aid | 27-0537a.gif |
5241(40) | 05/08/1936 | NYA:"Lee County Training School(Negro)":Tupelo, Mississippi:students at work in library | 27-0538a.gif |
5241(42) | 05/12/1936 | NYA:Leflore County Mississippi library project:"assistants in Greenwood Negro Library" | 27-0539a.gif |
52411(12) | | Mural: fresco by Reginald Marsh (tugboat), at New York City Customs House | 27-0802a.gif |
52411(13) | | Mural: fresco by Reginald Marsh (ship with news reel crew), at New York City Customs House | 27-0803a.gif |
52411(15) | | Mural: fresco by Reginald Marsh (ship: unloading car), at New York City Customs House | 27-0804a.gif |
52411(16) | | Mural: fresco by Reginald Marsh (ship: man climbing aboard) at New York City Customs House | 27-0805a.gif |
5246(2) | 00/00/1942 | U.S. Army Arts Projects: "Barracks Concert" by Private Willard Cummings, hanging at Fort Belvoir, Virginia | 27-0950a.gif |
5246(8) | 00/00/1942 | U.S. Army Arts Projects at Fort Belvoir, Virginia: "Here are four of the soldier-artists working on their murals. | 27-0951a.gif |
5251(106) | 00/00/1936 | NYA:Arizona:"colored boys attending WPA household workers training center(WPA Divisiion of Employment & U.S.E.S. being served)" | 27-0556a.gif |
5251(107) | 00/00/1936 | NYA:Phoenix,Arizona:"colored girls attending WPA household workers training center(serving a tea given for the Phoenix Recreation Dept.)" | 27-0557a.gif |
525120 | 00/00/1936 | NYA:Phoenix, Arizona:workers attending WPA class in auto mechanics | 27-0555a.gif |
53-227(788) | 00/00/1936 | NYA:Minnesota:young woman learning to sew | 27-0558a.gif |
53227(1581) | | PWA: New York "Like a modern Flying Carpet, the Tri-Borough Bridge swings accross the Sky with 'Bagdad on the Subway' in the background. | 27-0939a.gif |
53227(1582) | | PWA: New Jersey "A rivet heater keeps the job fires burning during the construction of the Medical Center." | 27-0940a.gif |
53227(1583) | | PWA: New Jersey "Hod carriers move bricks up for the construction of the Tea Neck High School." | 27-0941a.gif |
53227(1596) | 00/00/1934 | Public Works Administration: Slum housing in University, Atlanta, Georgia to be replaced by housing depicted in 538(2) | 27-0937a.gif |
53227(1641) | | REA; "Man washing hands in bowl, woman in background" | 27-0758a.gif |
53227(1643) | | REA; "Woman plunges and scrubs" | 27-0750a.gif |
53227(1645) | | REA; "Woman places log in stove" | 27-0751a.gif |
53227(1652) | | REA; TVA; "Woman standing over stove" | 27-0752a.gif |
53227(1653) | | REA; "Woman irons daughter's dress, girl holding doll" | 27-0759a.gif |
53227(1654) | | REA; "Woman at work in kitchen"; photo by Campbell | 27-0760a.gif |
53227(1655) | | REA; "Eldery lady removes pie from oven" | 27-0753a.gif |