Library ID | Date | Title | Photo |
53227(1656) | | REA; "Girl in doorway holding an unlit lamp" | 27-0754a.gif |
53227(1657) | | REA; "Little girl by radio" | 27-0755a.gif |
53227(1658) | | REA; "Woman turning the nozzle" | 27-0756a.gif |
53227(1673) | | REA; TVA; "Stringing rural TVA transmission line" | 27-0757a.gif |
53227(1733) | | Social Security Poster: widow | 27-0809a.gif |
53227(1735) | | Social Security Poster: old man | 27-0810a.gif |
53227(1736) | | Social Security "Unemployed insured workers registering for jobs and filing benefit claims at a State employment office." | 27-0811a.gif |
53227(1738) | | Social Security, "Part of the biggest bookeeping job in the world: Filing workers' applications for social security account numbers." | 27-0812a.gif |
53227(1740) | | Social Security, "Keeping Individual Old-Age Insurance Records" | 27-0813a.gif |
53227(1742) | 00/00/1935 | Farm Security Administration- Resettlement Administration: Federal-State old age assistance provides for those who are now old and needy | 27-0693a.gif |
53227(1745) | | Social Security: homeless man | 27-0814a.gif |
53227(1751) | | Social Security: Mother and Child | 27-0815a.gif |
53227(1754) | | Social Security: Public Health nursing made available through child welfare services | 27-0816a.gif |
53227(1770) | 00/00/1936 | Surplus Commodities Program | 27-0844a.gif |
53227(1771) | 00/00/1936 | Surplus Commodities: School Lunch Programs | 27-0845a.gif |
53227(1773) | 00/00/1936 | Surplus Commodities | 27-0846a.gif |
53227(1784) | 00/00/1936 | Surplus Commodities: School Lunch Program | 27-0847a.gif |
53227(1800) | 00/00/1936 | Surplus Commodities | 27-0848a.gif |
53227(1803) | 00/00/1936 | Surplus Commodities | 27-0849a.gif |
53227(1823) | 00/00/1942 | Map of the Tennessee Valley Authority | 27-0788a.gif |
53227(1828) | 00/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority, "Results of Fertilizer -- This is a test field of a practical operating farm on which TVA produced phosphatehas demonstrated its ability to encourage the growth of a protcetive vegetable cover and hence build up soil fertility. The thick growth was treated with a mixture of phospate and lime; the almost bare area was not treated. | 27-0921a.gif |
53227(1836) | 00/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority Hiawassee Dam in North Carolina | 27-0789a.gif |
53227(1840) | 01/00/1937 | Tennessee Valley Authority, Norris Dam, Tennessee, " The force of falling water becomes electric power at Norris Dam. TVA Engineers raised the 14 foot steel drum gates atop this spillway in January 1937 to prevent water from reaching the already swollen Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. | 27-0928a.gif |
53227(1842) | 00/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority, "Water Supply on the Farm -- Drawing water from a cistern on a farm in the Tennessee Valley. This type of water supply is familiar to rural residents in many parts of the country. | 27-0920a.gif |
53227(1843) | 00/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority, "Destruction in the wake of a flood." | 27-0922a.gif |
53227(1844) | 00/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority, Kensington Georgia, "Community Refrigerator in use -- The variety of farm products shown in this community refrigerator are being stored by the members of a cooperative refrigerator association in Kensington, Georgia. | 27-0923a.gif |
53227(1850) | 00/00/1942 | Tennesee Valley Authroity, Muscle Shoals, Alabama, "Laborers at the TVA's forest tree nursery at Muscle Shoals. Pine, locust, and some cypress trees are grown here. Approximately, 10,000,000 seedlings are produced annually on this hundred acre section. | 27-0924a.gif |
53227(1915) | | WPA worker instructs children in mounting the day's catch of insects at the Children's Museum in Brooklyn, N.Y. | 27-0631a.gif |
53227(1922) | 00/00/1936 | Class in violin instruction under the direction of the WPA Federal Music Project in New York City | 27-0455a.gif |
53227(1923) | 00/00/1935 | Children learn to mix colors at the Neighborhood House in Washington, D.C. | 27-0797a.gif |
53227(1937) | 00/00/1935 | WPA: Information Service: Washington D.C.: a man at work with Jack-hammer | 27-0626a.gif |
53227(1967) | | WPA Sewing Project | 27-0832a.gif |
53227(1991) | | WPA Adult Education | 27-0833a.gif |
53227(2007) | 00/00/1935 | WPA: Toy Repair Projects: toys and dolls mended by workers: many of the dolls are made available to underprivileged children through Toy Lending Libraries, given to WPA Nursery Schools, and some are given out at Christmas time for children to keep | 27-0627a.gif |
53227(2017) | | WPA | 27-0834a.gif |
53227(2018) | | WPA Library bookmobile | 27-0835a.gif |
53227(2040) | | WPA "Aid to dependent children keeps families together." | 27-0836a.gif |
53227(2060) | 00/00/1935 | Depression:Unemployed: photo of Idle man dressed in worn coat lying down on pier:New York City docks: photo by Lewis W, Hine | 27-0622a.gif |
53227(2064) | 00/00/1936 | WPA: unemployed shown at Volunteers of America Soup Kitchen: Washington, D.C. | 27-0638a.gif |
53227(2067) | 00/00/1935 | Depression:Unemployed: man dressed poorly walking with head down: shacks in background: no credit Typical picture capturing the poverty and hopelessness felt bv many during the Depression | 27-0623a.gif |
53227(2179) | 03/00/1941 | Tennessee Valley Authority, "Power for defense." | 27-0925a.gif |
53227(291) | 06/00/1936 | Farm Security Administration- Works Progress Administration: Unemployed men eating in Volunteers of America Soup Kitchen in Washington, D.C. | 27-0692a.gif |
53227(292) | 00/00/1935 | Depression: Unemployed;destitute man leaning against vacant store:photo by Dorothea Lange | 27-0621a.gif |
53227(293) | 00/00/1936 | WPA: unemployed shown at volunteers of America Soup Kitchen: Washington, D.C. | 27-0637a.gif |
53227(313) | 00/00/1933 | Civilian Conservation Corps in Idaho, Boise National Forest | 27-0873a.gif |
53227(315) | 00/00/1933 | Civilian Conservation Corps enrollee engaged in tree planting- part of the reforestation program caried on by the Corps | 27-0645a.gif |
53227(317) | 00/00/1933 | Civilian Conservation Corps in Idaho, Boise National Forest | 27-0874a.gif |
53227(322) | | FSA; CCC; "CCC boys at work"; Prince George Co., V.A. | 27-0744a.gif |
53227(324) | 00/00/1933 | Civilian Conservation Corps at an experimental farm in Beltsville, Maryland | 27-0876a.gif |
53227(327) | 00/00/1933 | Civilian Conservation Corps at an experimental farm in Beltsville, Maryland | 27-0877a.gif |