Library ID | Date | Title | Photo |
66278(1) | 06/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority Douglas Dam on the French Broad River: drilling a blast hole with a jackhammer | 27-0790a.gif |
66278(15) | 06/00/1942 | A new shift reports for duty at the TVA's new Douglas Dam on the French Broad River. | 27-0772a.gif |
66278(25) | 06/00/1942 | Tennesse Valley Authority Douglas Dam on the Franch Broad River | 27-0773a.gif |
66278(34) | 06/00/1942 | "Negro bucket man at the Tennessee Valley Authority Douglas Dam on the French Broad River | 27-0774a.gif |
66278(38) | 06/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority Douglas Dam on the French Broad River: "Big Pete" Ramagna | 27-0792a.gif |
66278(40) | 06/00/1942 | "Negro jackhammer operator at the Tennessee Valley Authority Douglas Dam on the French Broad River" | 27-0775a.gif |
66278(43) | 06/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority Douglas Dam on the French Broad River: making forms for the generating plant | 27-0793a.gif |
66278(5) | 06/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority Douglas Dam on the French Broad River: a welder | 27-0791a.gif |
66278(52) | 06/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority Douglas Dam on the French Broad River: rocky going for a bulldozer | 27-0794a.gif |
66278(57) | 06/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority Douglas Dam on the French Broad River: hot tar tank tender | 27-0795a.gif |
66278(58) | 06/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority Douglas Dam on the French Broad River: band saw operators | 27-0796a.gif |
66343(51) | 09/00/1942 | Tennessee Valley Authority, Industry, "These Are The Faces Of Victory -- He is a riveter. Each day, he nourishes the great growing splender of the TVA. Tomorrow, he and thousands of other workers will see a new plant, harnessed with elctrical power to produce the weapons of death for Hitler. Official OWI photo. | 27-0926a.gif |
67107(1) | 02/00/1932 | Depression: Breadlines:long line of people waiting to be fed: New York City | 27-0639a.gif |
69146 | 02/00/1932 | Depression: Breadlines:long line of people waiting to be fed: New York City: in the absence of substantial government relief programs during 1932, free food was distributed with private funds in some urban centers to large numbers of the unemployed | 27-0640a.gif |
71127 | 11/00/1936 | Farm Security Administration: Squatter camp in California. Photo by Dorothea Lange | 27-0691a.gif |
71133 | 00/00/1934 | Labor:Strikes:San Francisco, California:police and strikers battle | 27-0568a.gif |
71134 | 00/00/1934 | Labor:Strikes:New York City, New York:union men picketing Macy's FSA photo by Dorothea Lange | 27-0569a.gif |
71136 | 12/00/1937 | Labor:Strikes:New York City, New York:strike pickets along street FSA photo by | 27-0570a.gif |
71140 | 09/00/1939 | Farm Security Administration: FSA county supervisor discussing farm plan with rehabilitation client | 27-0696a.gif |
71146 | 00/00/1933 | Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees working on highway beutification of route 120 into Pottsville | 27-0655a.gif |
71147 | 08/00/1938 | Farm Security Administration: Outside relief station in Urbana, Ohio. Photo by Ben Shahn | 27-0697a.gif |
71150 | 00/00/1936 | Dust storm in Amarillo, Texas. FSA photo by Arthur Rothstein. | 27-0667a.gif |
71151 | 00/00/1935 | Soil erosion in South Dakota. | 27-0668a.gif |
71160 | 00/00/1934 | NRA:Blue Eagle Emblem:poster displayed in restaurant window stating their participation and support for government program:woman hanging poster in window | 27-0592a.gif |
7163 | 00/00/1934 | NRA:poster:blue eagle:displayed by businesses to show support for government program | 27-0591a.gif |
7179 | 00/00/1933 | South Carolina Farm Girl | 27-0843a.gif |
7180 | 00/00/1936 | Farm Security Administration:"Suppertime" for the westward migration | 27-0680a.gif |
7182 | 06/00/1938 | Farm Security Administration: Homeless family, tenant farmers in 1936 | 27-0690a.gif |
7183 | 00/00/1935 | Depression:Unemployed: Typical picture capturing the number of people who were unemployed and looking for a job | 27-0624a.gif |
7190 | | WPA bridge | 27-0840a.gif |
7193 | 01/00/1937 | Labor:Strikes:Flint, Michigan:Fisher Body Plant Factory Number 3:sit-down strikers sitting on car seats reading newspapers | |
72115(1) | 04/08/1936 | WPA:Federal Theater Project:actors rehearsing scenes from the production"Brother Mose" in Newark, New Jersey | 27-0535a.gif |
72120(1) | 00/00/1935 | Works Progress Administration: Crafts Class | 27-0935a.gif |
72142 | 00/00/1934 | Labor:Strikes:Minneapolis, Minnesota:police battle with striking truck drivers | 27-0571a.gif |
72145 | 00/00/1934 | CWA; "6,000 Men and a Scenic Boulevard"; San Fransisco, CA | 27-0740a.gif |
7218118 | 00/00/1933 | PWA Construction Site in Washington, D.C. | 27-0942a.gif |
72227 | 00/00/1934 | CWA; "Malaria Control - Near North Little Rock, Arkansas" | 27-0739a.gif |
7420(1007 | 00/00/1933 | Depression: "Runs on Banks": people milling about outside of bank | 27-0642a.gif |
7420(1034) | 00/00/1935 | Farm Security Administration | 27-0703a.gif |
7420(1051) | 00/00/1933 | Civilian Conservation Corps enrollee planting locust root for the Natchez Project in Lexington, Tenn. | 27-0659a.gif |
7420(1117) | 00/00/1933 | Farm foreclosure sale | 27-0854a.gif |
7420(242) | 00/00/1935 | Farm Security Administration: abandoned zinc mine: Arkansas | 27-0681a.gif |
7420(244) | 00/00/1932 | Depression: Breadlines:long line of people waiting to be fed: New York City: in the absence of substantial government relief programs during 1932, free food was distributed with private funds in some urban centers to large numbers of the unemployed | 27-0641a.gif |
7420(254) | 00/00/1933 | Slaughter of the pigs for the hog reduction program | 27-0850a.gif |
7420(259) | 00/00/1935 | Soil Erosion | 27-0669a.gif |
7420(263) | 00/00/1935 | Soil Erosion | 27-0670a.gif |
7420(269) | 00/00/1933 | Farm foreclosure sale | 27-0852a.gif |
7420(270) | 00/00/1933 | Farm foreclosure sale | 27-0853a.gif |
7420(273) | 00/00/1934 | Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees clearing the land for soil conservation | 27-0656a.gif |
7420(274) | 00/00/1933 | Civilian Conservation Corps | 27-0657a.gif |